Arbitrator Disclosure

Interested parties should not rely on this website as a complete or updated source of disclosure information about Ghada Qaisi Audi. I do not have access to the databases of the law firms and companies at which I was previously employed. In addition, I a member of numerous organizations, and regularly attends conferences and events. I do not maintain records of other members, speakers, or participants, nor do I monitor contact lists on LinkedIn and similar sites. Tangential connections in such contexts should not be considered relationships that might affect impartiality or independence in the eyes of a reasonable third party. (Canon II, Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes, American Bar Association (2004); General Standard 2, International Bar Association Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Arbitration (2014)).

In any arbitration for which Ghada Qaisi Audi is proposed as arbitrator, parties should disclose promptly any facts or circumstances considered relevant to her impartiality or independence as soon as that information is reasonably available and, for that purpose, to undertake a reasonable continuing search of publicly available information promptly after learning of her prospective appointment.